Sunday, June 2, 2013

Dear Keagan - A Letter from Mommy

Dear Keagan,

Sweet baby boy, I want you to know how much you are loved - not only by your daddy and me, but by all of our family, our church family, so many of our friends, and even by people all over the world. You are a special and amazing baby and I am so honored that I am your mom. I don’t understand why God chose me to be the mother of such a wonderful little boy, but I can tell you I am so glad he did.
Our nearly ten months together have been amazing. When I found out I was pregnant, your daddy was still sleeping but I ran upstairs and jumped on him in bed, saying “Look at this! Read this!” After letting his eyes adjust to read the word “pregnant” on the test he just grabbed me and hugged me and smiled the most heartfelt smile ever. We were so thrilled to know we were going to be parents! We then got to share the news with our family and our friends and everyone was so happy for us and excited to meet you one day. We couldn’t wait to watch my belly grow and find out if you were a boy or girl and to prepare our home for your arrival! I remember the first time I felt you kick was on New Year’s Eve. I was sitting in the car waiting for daddy and I felt you kick just one time. I wasn’t sure right away if it truly was a kick, but after talking to Gramma I knew it was. I have felt you kick and roll and stretch so many times since then, and even though I play with you and tell you to stop sometimes, it is truly the best feeling in the world. Hearing your heartbeat is equally amazing, even though sometimes you’re silly and move so much we don’t get it hear it for long. I love knowing that you are moving around in there and growing and being happy! We have had so much fun creating memories with you and sharing life with you. I hope you have enjoyed our adventures as much as our family has!

Our next memory of you is going to be a huge one – your big entrance into this world! I cannot believe that we will be meeting you in the next day or two…or three! We already know how adorable you are from all of the ultrasounds, but nothing will compare to looking at your face for the first time. You look absolutely perfect and I know you will be the cutest baby ever! The doctors have told us things could go slow, but we hope you can stay strong baby boy, so we’ll get to hold you as you breath and move and as your heart beats. No matter what happens though, I want you to know everything will be okay. I am telling myself this too. We want to share more life with you and watch you grow and become a man, but we have to trust God. He will help each of us through this; He will never fail us and neither will love and we have an abundance of that!

Regardless of what the future holds, I also want you to know how proud I am of you. You have been such a blessing to us and many other people. You have touched people’s lives and changed people’s hearts for the better. You have allowed your daddy and I to grow closer and to love each other even more. You have taught us to focus on the truly important things in life and to enjoy the little things. As parents, we are supposed to teach you lessons and mold you, but the roles have definitely been reversed in our family and you have done those things for us! Thank you for that baby!

Again, I just want to tell you that we love you so much; that is one thing I want you to be sure of! There are times when we are sad or scared or frustrated, but so much more often we have learned to just have joy in the fact that we are parents and that you are our son. When we hold you this week it will just show us even more how everything has been worth it. We wouldn’t change a thing about your life that is on our control other than, if we could, we would express our affection to you even more so you could better understand the extent of our love. There is a quote that I had heard before I became a mommy, but now it holds so much meaning  I’ll love you forever, I’ll like you for always, As long as I’m living my baby you’ll be. No matter what, you will always be in my heart and on my mind. You will always be my baby, but also my oldest child. You will obviously always be part of our family, and please know that we will always share your story with others and with your future siblings so everyone can know how wonderful you are. And not only will you always be these things, but you will also always be hero! I can only hope that someday I can have an impact on as many people as you have and that I can create so much love in people’s hearts.
Sweet baby Keagan, I am so looking forward to wrapping you up in my arms, kissing your cheeks, holding your tiny hands, seeing your chubby little body and being the best mommy I can be to you. You are so special, so important, so remarkable and, once again, so loved!

Love always,


  1. Jenny, My daughter was one of the 5th grade volleyball players that you worked with this past fall/winter. Your strength and courage are remarkable! You can be sure that we will be thinking about you and praying for you!

  2. Jenny, I just wanted to let you know that our prayers are with you and Roy. The strength, faith, courage and grace you've shown through all of this amazes me.

    Keagan's birthday also happens to have been my 7th wedding anniversary. We had planned on going out to dinner but I postponed those plans so we could follow your progress on facebook and most of all pray for your family, the doctors and nurses and your extended family.

    Our hearts are heavy, I pray that when Keagan entered Heaven's gates that he was met by Luke and that they are friends in Heaven.
