Monday, March 4, 2013

Fluid Check #2

We got to see our little bundle of joy again today, and he's still as cute as ever. Keagan's cousin Carson even got to come see him :) Not only that but everything medically seemed to be on target as well. Keagan's heartrate was 152; still going strong! For the first time, our technician, Beth, pointed out the four chambers of Keagan's heart. This was definitely a good thing. He is measuring very close to his gestational age, except for his legs - they are measuring a week and a half ahead! Beth also pointed out that our "peanut's" feet are also really big. I guess he's taking after me there! The point of today was obviously to check my fluid level, but we actually all got wrapped up in looking at baby Keagan that we all forgot about checking it. Beth left and came back in saying she was going to have to scan again to measure it. We were definitely okay with this because it was another chance to see our sweet baby. My fluid level ended up being 20. That is within the normal range, but is approaching the higher end. Our doctor said it was normal for fluid levels to fluctuate (as it was 15 last month), so my hope is that my fluid level is not going to steadily increase but will instead fluctuate slightly in either direction so it will still be considered normal.

Mr. Keagan had his head buried against me again, but today was one of the few times we have been able to see his whole face and what an adorable face he has. His lips and nose, as I said last week, are absolutely perfect. There was one point when we were trying to get a 3D image of his face that he put his open hand in front of his face as if to say "no more pictures!" Gosh. He's just so cute.

Roy and I were a little sad when we left today's appointment. We were and continue to be thrilled that Keagan is still growing and his heart is beating strong and he is moving and happy. We are also happy my health has not been affected. However, we were just hoping something would have improved from our previous appointment. This is not medically possible, but ALL things are possible with God and that is what we hold on to. We were hoping to hear them say they saw something they hadn't seen before as we have heard at every ultrasound but that wasn't the case today. When I told my mom this, she pointed out all of the positives from today and the fact that we did see the four chambers that hadn't been shown to us previously and with these comments I was back on the joy of the perfect baby which Roy and I have been chosen to parent. We love you Baby Keagan and are so thankful for you!
Four chambers of his heart
In case anyone was worried :)

This is kind of hard to see, but this is when he put his hand in front of his face :) His arm and hand are right in the middle of the screen.

Precious profile

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