Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Keagan's First...

Snow Angel and Snowman!

When I got the phone call last night that school was going to be cancelled today, I got excited! Roy, on the other hand, always gives me dirty looks when school is closed because he still has to go to work :) As we were going to bed, he said "You're lucky you're pregnant. I'm only okay with you having no school because Keagan gets to spend the snow day with you." Unfortunately, after my excitement, I had a rough day today. I did not feel like getting out of bed, doing anything I was supposed to do, or even getting dressed...and I didn't. When my mom came over after work and Roy got home I was still in my pajamas, sitting on the couch and occassionally breaking into tears. It was just one of those days. I did find motivation to get dressed and get outside to do Keagan's first snow angel and build his first snowman with Roy after some encouragement. I am thankful for that because it helped me not feel as sad as you will see in the pictures. We figured this would be the last snow of the season so we needed to take advantage of it.

We enjoyed creating these memories with baby K, so enjoy the pictures and little comments!

Our angel's first snow angel <3 This was like a little workout for me! The snow was so packed that it was hard to move my arms and legs, but definitely resulted in some laughs! I am guessing some of our neighbors and people who drove by saw me - a grown woman...out in the snow...appearing that there were no kids around - but I did not care. Keagan, Gramma and I had fun!


Daddy is much better at making snowmen than Mommy - good thing he was there! Keagan's snowman has a Burton hat on and a weird nose...that was one of my few contributions! I was trying to add snow to hold the eyes in place but ended up with a nose :) Thank you to Gramma for being our photographer for these firsts!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love how you can see the snow angel in the "snowman-building" pictures, too! I hadn't noticed that before. :)
