Monday, March 11, 2013

Heartbeat Check #6

Gosh - I feel like it has been forever since we have had a heartbeat check (the last official one was three weeks ago!) Roy and I were so looking forward to once again getting to hear that amazing sound. Thankfully Keagan's heartbeat was easy to find today. It was 125. That seemed really low to me, especially considering how it is generally in the 140-160 range but our doctor did not seem concerned at all. I am hoping he was just sleeping which would help explain the difference. I know it also normal for the heart rate to fluctuate, but this number just shocked me a little. Regardless, his heart is still beating, he is still moving and, as my belly shows, he is still growing! Yay!!!

Our high risk doctor mentioned last week that we could move our heartbeat checks to every two weeks because Keagan's heart rate has been so strong and because I can feel him moving so often. I mentioned we kind of liked hearing it every week, but having some Mondays without an appointment will be nice. So, for those of you who look on Tuesdays to see what Baby K's heart rate was, we will not have an appointment next week so you'll have to wait two weeks along with our family :)

I also wanted to update everyone on my health. I had a little scare a couple of weeks ago. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism five years ago, but my second trimester thyroid bloodwork actually came back high. This would mean I now have hyperthyroidism (Graves' disease) which is more concerning than hypo. As if I didn't have enough appointments already, I was sent to my family doctor, to the hospital to get an ultrasound and to an endocrinologist. After this round of appointments, I received a phone call last week from the endocrinologist letting me know that the bloodwork he ran came back normal so I don't have Graves'! I don't mind the extra appointments now that I have those results :) This was such a blessing and I am so thankful that this does not have to be an added concern for us. There is a medical explanation as to why my initial bloodwork came back high, but I won't bore you with the details. If you are interested, I would be happy to share with you personally.

The same day I had my thyroid ultrasound, I also completed my glucose screening. My doctor told me today that my bloodwork came back looking good but my glucose screening results were really low. Their "cut-off" number is 135. My number was 67, and he said usually peoples in the 50's and 60's feel lightheaded or dizzy after drinking the drink. I felt fine, so he was not concerned with these results. I have sent an email to my high-risk doctor tonight and am hoping she is not concerned either. There are times that I feel lightheaded and dizzy throughout the day, but I just eat more frequently and that seems to help. I will keep you all updated on this as well.

On a side note - You all have been so wonderful and we are told so often that people are praying for us, and that means the world to us. I want to close with a request for continued prayers.  I had a few rough days last week and anticipate one this week, so if you could pray for strength and comfort for me I would really appreciate. I also ask that you pray for Roy as he continues to provide and protect our family. Please pray for all of our family members as well, as I know this is not easy on them either. They are our strongest support system and they experience hurt and pain right along with us. And most importantly, I ask that you pray for physical healing for our precious baby. As I have said before, we believe wholeheartedly that God is able to heal our little guy. We know that With God all things are possible. Keagan being born completely healthy is possible, or us getting through things if he is not is possible, but only because of our Lord. It is amazes me how great and powerful our God is, and I love the fact that overnight He could perform a miracle with just a single touch, a word or even a thought. Please pray for that miracle for our baby.

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