Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"Here's lookin' at you kid..."

First, let me start off by saying I asked Roy what to name this post and that was what he came up with - not my doing at all :)

Yesterday, 1-22-13, we had another ultrasound. It turns out that the technician at our local doctor's office did not record the ultrasound we had on the 3rd. We have mixed feelings about this. We definitely wanted to have that first ultrasound on DVD as we had requested prior to him starting the scan - regardless of the bad news we received, that was the first time we got to see our precious, beautiful baby moving all around. Unfortunately, he did not record the scan due to what he saw and we are frustrated that we will never be able to get that back. On the other hand, they offered us another scan free of charge and this gave us another chance to see our baby in the protection of my belly, allowing us to create more memories of him while he is still well and able to move freely. And, Baby Keagan was definitely doing just that.

He moved so much during the scan and brought so much joy to Roy and I. Again, the technician noted that he was physically perfect starting at his eyes and going down. (He is completely perfect to us!) I had two favorites from the scan that may seem insignificant to others, but were great memories for me. There was one point when technician got a very clear view of the bottom of Keagan's feet. He caught them on the DVD then used the probe to shake my belly. Keagan's response of kicking his legs (saying "quit that!") was beautiful! The other moment was when the technician caught him flipping over completely. Again, as small as that may be to some people, it was incredibly important for me to see. It just confirmed with me that our baby really is doing well right now.

To be honest, I was nervous going into this appointment seeing as how the last time we were in that room is when they first found Keagan's condition. We were praying maybe God had performed a miracle and Keagan would be healed when we saw him this time. Obviously that was not the case, but that does not change our love one bit. We are not going to give up praying for this miracle, but we also just pray the length of Keagan's life, my health and our emotional state. We also pray that we can continue to enjoy this time we have with Keagan. We know so many people are praying for our family as well, and we are so incredibly grateful for that. Your prayers are being felt and we know they're being heard by the One who is control of this all.


                     20 Weeks                                   Sweet Baby Keagan "Smiling" (in my opinion, at least!)


  1. Beautiful little boy!! You 2 are amazing people!!

  2. Thank you Kira :) He is pretty gosh darn cute!
